NMHU Geology
Van Wyk de Vries is Professor of Volcanology at Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Université Blaise Pascale, Clermont-Ferrand, France. He speaks fluent English, French, and Spanish and teaches and works in all three languages. His IRES mentoring includes a strong organizational capacity to the project from experience managing natural disasters and geotechnical projects, as well as managing the teaching and research parts of LMV. He is presently also the coordinator for the International Master degree program at LMV and International Relationship coordinator for the laboratory. He has a large group of PhD students working on collaborative projects with Czech Republic, Italian, UK, Ireland, Switzerland, US and Latin American colleagues, and supports many masters’ projects. His direct IRES mentoring expertise include a broad range of structural geology, tectonic and volcanological applications, founded on a long career in academia, government hazard and risk organizations, and industry.
Van Wyk de Vries